Earlier this month EWLS posted an article about Dr. Katherine Crispin that incorrectly denoted the newly elected NSS Executive Committee member’s professional accomplishments so we’d like to tell you a little more about her and clear things up. In the 1990’s Katherine became involved with the NSS, Greater Allentown Grotto, and Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy where she participated in digs, exploration, and learning about speleohistory and scientific aspects of Karst. While completing her Ph.D., she continued to cave and gradually became more involved with caving organizations. She joined BATS grotto, and is the secretary of the organization today. She is a current member of Standing Stone Grotto and a life member of MAKC. Katherine is extremely involved in The Robertson Association (TRA) and Old Timer’s Reunion (OTR) where she serves as the co-chair of registration. At the TRA she wears many hats. She serves as the Ombudsman, on the Grants Committee Board, and as the Outreach and Grow...