Annette Price is a cave, mine, adventure sport, and wild place photographer. She has been a freelance photographer since 1988, producing images that meet the needs of magazine editors, news agencies, equipment and clothing manufactures - as well as athletes and print buyers. She is based in the UK but travels abroad when required to photograph sports, explorers, athletes, and recreational outdoor enthusiasts in remote locations. Annette is trained as a graphic designer and illustrator. She has been diving since 2004, caving since 2003, and a photographer for operation Raleigh (now Raleigh International) for 3 month expeditions in the jungles of Guyana, South America. She is also the Assistant photographer for John Snett, an advertising and editorial studio photography in West End, London. Annette has been published in several Magazines such as BBC Focus Magazine, The Times, The Daily Mail, Digital SLR User Magazine, Land Rover Owner International Magazine, Diver Magazine, Outdo...