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Top 10 Women Cave Biologists Pins

Check out these amazing women in cave biology. If you like this article, you'll love our Pinterest page.

Sofia Reboleira is a biologist at the University of Aveiro and postdoctoral researcher Center with Enviromental and Marien Studies. Read more here.

Penelope (Penny) Boston, speleo-biologist and Director of Cave and Karst Science at New Mexico Tech, co-founded Mars Underground and then the Mars Society. Read more here.

Bat biologist Patricia Brown has been following the resident colonies of the California leaf-nosed bat for over thirty years, noting population size and health, recognizing hazards to their livelihood, and advocating on their behalf. This year she led and organized a handful of volunteers and BLM staff gather for this twice-yearly event where bats are surveyed.

Amee Hart: Because of her vast research on bats and her involvement in bat research and knowledge in our community, many people call her when they find dead bats around their house or under a car. She is able to stuff the bats with cotton and use them as examples when she gives talks around the country.

Amelon is leading one of the most promising efforts yet to control WNS using the discovery of Chris Cornelison, PHD biologist from Georgia State University who was investigating use of a bacteria Rhodococcus rhodochrous for food preservation. Read more here.

Cynthia Hauser works as a biologist for the PA Game Commission and does all kinds of work with bat surveys but she also supports the caving community. Read more here.

Suzanna Bräuer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at Appalachian State University.  She is a microbiologist whose work includes microbial ecology of cave systems. Read more here.

Laura Demarest graduated from Franklin College with a bachelor’s degree in biology. She first went to Bluespring Caverns for an overnight adventure with her science club while in eighth grade where she became hooked on caving and was featured as an Extraordinary Woman Caver in 2015. Read more here.

Jessica Deli has been Central Region Coordinator for the NCRC since 2012 but before then she had already made her mark as a rescue specialist and cave conservationist all over the US. This extraordinary woman holds a  Masters in Environmental Science, a bachelors in  Biochemistry and Cellular/Molecular Biology, and a HAM radio licence. Read more here.

Patricia Kambesis has been actively involved in cave exploration and survey since 1974. Kambesis has a Bachelors Degree in geology and biology, and is currently working on her Masters Degree in geology at Western Kentucky University. She is active in Karst Environmental Education and Protection because she believes in the protection and conservation of Central Kentucky karst. Read more here

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Jessica Deli

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