Penelope (Penny) Boston, speleo-biologist and Director of Cave and Karst Science at New Mexico Tech, co-founded Mars Underground and then the Mars Society. She was a President of the Association of Mars Explorers, and is now a member of the science team taking part in Mars Arctic 365, a new one-year Mars surface simulation mission set to start in summer 2014 on Devon Island. Bost on's work involves studying underground ecosystems extremophile inhabitants on Earth in order to predict environments/lifeforms possible elsewhere in the Universe. She has worked with the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program (NIAC) to develop protocols for both human extraterrestrial cave habitation, and for subterranean [underground] life-detection missions on Mars, which she believes is highly likely to exist. For the last 2+ decades Boston has focused on exploring caves. "The first time I did any serious caving was actually in Lechuguilla Cave ...We trained for about three hour...